Free Script & Music



* Script DRAFT 2.1 was uploaded 8/4/2007. An updated version will be uploaded soon.
* Produced recordings will be available late 2009. Current recordings are rough demos of an old practice session.


"The Poet" script: as a Word DOC or as a PDF

"The Poet" music: stream online at


Access individual songs as mp3 files:
(Right-click mouse to "Save target as...")

1) If You Could Be Anybody, Part I

©2006 All rights reserved. Unauthorized public performance, broadcasting, transmission, or copying, is a violation of applicable laws. This manuscript and the individual music compositions contained within are protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition of the whole or of any part therein may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

2) Lone Poet

3) 999

4) Face Each Day, Part I

5) Face Each Day, Part II

6) To Let Go

7) Long Way Home

8) I Was A Poet

9) I.O U.

10) Oasis

11) Lost All Expression

12) My Very First Poem

13) Jilted Lover

14) Face The New Day

15) Long Shadows Of Dawn

16) If You Could Be Anybody, Part II